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90.01  Service Provided

90.02  Mandatory Connections

90.01    SERVICE PROVIDED.  Water service for the City shall be provided by the Central Iowa Water Association and in accordance the rules and regulations established by the association.

90.02    MANDATORY CONNECTIONS.  Except as hereinafter provided, private wells shall not be maintained by any individual or property owner, nor shall any new wells be established within the City limits of the City.  Private wells shall be allowed only if one or more of the following conditions are established by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City:

1.                  Existing Well.  The well was in existence prior to the effective date of the 1989 Oakland Acres, Iowa, Code of Ordinances. 

2.                  Location.  If the property on which a private well is proposed is not within a reasonable distance of a rural water main, as determined by the Council.

3.                  Undue Hardship.  If the property owner or individual to construct a private well can show that denying the permission and not allowing the private well will cause the individual or property owner undue hardship.  Undue hardship in this case means that the particular tract of land is so topographically situated that connection to the rural water main system would be unfeasible and that the particular conditions causing the unfeasibility of the connection were in no way caused or contributed to by the property owner.  The Council shall rule on all questions of undue hardship, and their decision shall be final.



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