7:00 p.m. Monday, May 11, 2020

Oakland Acres Maintenance Building


Call Meeting to Order:  Mayor Joyce Halblom called the council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Don Smith, Dawnette Baker, Lisa Griffith, Clint Follette. Absent - Curt Strawser
Also present: Ashley Stock, city clerk;

Inquiries from the Community: 

Lombard’s talked to Joyce and they were inquiring on the cleanup of the Dam and the posts along the dam.  They were excited that it was going to get cleaned up and offered to help if needed.

Someone inquired about the natural gas, and they said that there was interest within the community.  Lisa will send an email to the Alliant contact regarding it. 

Mike Wherry asked about burning down by the dam, and it was decided that we are no longer allowing that since it has been cleaned up and the culvert has been fixed.

Resident inquired about parking on the roads, Lisa talked with them and stated that no cars are to park on the road.  They were ok with that.

Approval of Minutes: Smith moved to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2020 meeting. Follette seconded.  Ayes: All.

Treasurer’s Report:  Smith moved to approve the April report as submitted. Baker seconded. Ayes:  All.

Payment of Bills: Griffith moved to approve payment of the following bills as submitted. Smith seconded.  Ayes:  All.









Mayor’s Opening Address and Report: 


Old Business

Road:  Talked to Steve at Jasper Co Construction he has not been able to come out yet and give an estimate, discussed wanting on the dam posts and patching the road and inserting a curb by Strawser’s house.  Will call Jasper Co Construction and Manatt’s back and see how much it would be to do overlays of the road sections at a time.  Will bring the agenda item up again next month.

Dam/Clean up: Chuck Griffith has volunteered to come with some equipment and help drag a bunch of it out.  City Council has set a date of May 30th to do cleanup of the dam.  Meet at the Maintenance Shed at 8:30am if anyone would like to help.  Will post it on the boards. 

New Business

Equipment/Mowing:  Tractor broke a belt and the mowing deck would also not engage.  It is going to be $1,600 to replace the deck alone.  Tractor is currently in at the international store getting serviced.  Got some bids on new lawn mowers with a 61-inch decks $6600 to $12000.  After much discussion, the council agreed to get a few bids for a new lawn mower; will keep the tractor to use the bucket with, but not to mow.  Dawnette and Don will get a couple of mowers over to try it out and then also see if 4-Seasons (Josh) can come out and see if they have anything that would work.  Baker moves to approve to fix the deck is $150 or less above the actual service we will approve.  Follette seconds.  Ayes: all


Council Report: 

Yellow Sand Tanks - need to have them removed and put into the maintenance shed.  Lisa will ask Clint to get them moved with the skid loader to bring them down to the maintenance shed.

Deed – should have this week followed up with the lawyer today. 

Road Signs – on hold due to the Coronavirus

PVC Pipes – were sold but the guy did not show up so putting them back on Craigslist. 

Gravel in the maintenance shed and spray the weeds.  We will have Bill complete this. 

Lake Dye – Curt asked about having this done, however city council decided that it was not a necessity.  And mixing the copper sulfate and the dye together you could start killing fish. 

Talked to Grinnell Fire Department about the blowing the culvert by Fenner’s and told to contact the Kellogg Fire Department – Lisa is working on this. 

Speed Bumps – Need to put them back out, City Council has decided to put them by Heishman’s. 

Maintenance – Remind him that he only gets 15 hours a month.  Have him paint the railings by the corner of the park and by Fenner’s house.

Yard Maintenance – send letter to residents to have them take care of the maintenance on the joint property. 

Grant Program – Does not start until August, Clint will look at it. 

Clerk Report:  Liquor License for the Golf Course, should be coming in the next month. 

Maintenance report:

Adjournment:  Baker moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Follette seconded. Ayes:  All.

These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the next City Council meeting.


________________________________________________       ___________________                                                                                                                                                                                                

Joyce Halblom, Mayor                                                                       Ashley Stock, City Clerk